We have an excellent Spanish program that covers the areas of writing, grammar, spelling and reading, so that our students are fluent in both English and Spanish when they graduate from high school.
We care that the student is able to express themselves correctly both orally and in writing, taking care of the spelling rules and forms of expression, which have led us to obtain excellent places in our contests. It is essential to foster in them the love of reading, to give them tools to create a positive link with reading and thus reach an understanding of it. We are convinced that with this, we will achieve students with critical, empathetic, reflective, creative capacity and more.
Sin descuidar nuestras raíces mexicanas, tenemos eventos que fomentan el amor por nuestra patria y nuestra bandera. Eventos tales como “México Lindo y Querido” y el Altar de Muertos propician en nuestros alumnos el sentido de identidad y sobre todo el sentirse orgullosos de ser mexicanos.